The Challenge:
Cold Logic was the successful tenderer for the refrigeration design and fit-out and installed a custom-designed ammonia refrigeration plant during the construction of the facility. The system has been operational since early 2014 and met and exceeded the given requirements for reliability and performance.
In 2016, Cold Logic was again approached by Angelo Lamattina with a request for a proposal to expand the original Rocky Lamattina & Sons processing site and install a new refrigeration system. The contract was successfully awarded to Cold Logic in February 2017.
The Outcome:
Cold Logic designed and manufactured custom compressor packages using Mycom compressors. Three packages form the back bone of the equipment which are sized to give enough redundancy for one compressor to be taken off-line for maintenance and repair purposes. Ammonia detectors and pressure relief valves, pressure and temperature transducers form part of a custom control system that has been developed between Cold Logic and Tristar Electrical.