Cold Logic

Hort Connections 2023 – Industrial Refrigeration Insights

We’re excited to discuss our vision for the future of industrial refrigeration and its effect on the produce industry with the visitors to our booth at Hort Connections 2023 in Adelaide, Australia, on June 5 – 7.

If you are a producer or retailer, your number 1 priority is your product. Number 2 should be your refrigeration and protecting the quality and shelf life of the produce.

Not only is industrial refrigeration critically essential, but it also has the highest energy consumption in any business.  We are seeing the most significant shift ever in the Cold Chain industry. There is more focus on sustainability, carbon reductions, and energy efficiency. This is due to rapidly rising energy costs. Couple this with the need for extended shelf life, minimising waste and better yields. It would be a minefield for any business owner or operator.  Many businesses do not understand its complexity well. 

Come Visit Us!

Visit us at Stand 308. Cold Logic, the industrial refrigeration market leader, can detail these changes. They will also explain how these changes will impact you. This will include details of the HFC refrigerants’ impending phase-down. It will also cover plans to meet nett zero targets driven by major retail chains Woolworths, Coles, Aldi & Metcash. These efforts are in conjunction with consumer concerns.

Cold Logic will provide you with the latest insights into industrial refrigeration technologies. These technologies include ripening, fumigation, pressure coolers, and cold storage. All are to see the Produce sector meet its commitments and improve the bottom line.

We are also excited to partner with THERMAL TECHnologies for this event. They are known in the industry for being the global leader in commercial ripening room design and construction. THERMAL TECHnologies TarpLess Ripening Rooms ripen over 50 million kilograms of produce a day. Their systems deliver consistent, high-quality fruit ripening. They ensure the fruit reaches the exact colour stage you need when you need it. Additionally, these systems guarantee uniformity and boast the lowest operating costs in the industry.

The TarpLess ripening room is available in configurations to fit every ripening operation. It increases shelf life and reduces shrinkage for the fastest return on investment. Additionally, it has a proven 10-20% increase in sales and profit.

All cooling requirements for the produce sector are included in the scope of Cold Logic. This includes Tarped pressure cooling ripening systems, Hydro cooling, Vacuum cooling, and fumigation requirements. Cold logic understands the importance of maintaining produce to the highest level. We focus heavily on moisture retention (fruit pressure) to ensure minimal weight loss and extended shelf life.

We look forward to sharing the latest industrial refrigeration insights and the future of industrial refrigeration with upcoming Hort Connections 2023 attendees.