A high priority at Cold Logic is investing in our team, to ensure they can thrive in their refrigeration careers and we remain industrial refrigeration industry leaders.
We were delighted to recently support our industrial refrigeration team members, Daniel, Brendon and Glenn in completing their Mycom training in Japan. It was a fantastic experience to learn from Mycom experts, with the opportunity to also experience Japanese culture and visit some fantastic Tokyo sites too.
Their trainers had 35 and 30 years respectively at Mycom and were a wealth of knowledge in industrial refrigeration, particularly on screw and recip compressors. They were also fortunate to have presentations from Mycom engineers of screw compressors and the new semi-hermetic Newton units. These units are an Ammonia/co2 package cascade system.
At the end of the week our Cold Logic team members were presented with certificates for completing the training and gifts were exchanged as per Japanese customs.
Thank you to the Mycom team for hosting a fantastic week.
We love being industry leaders and actively focusing on our team members development, to ensure we stay up to date with the latest industrial refrigeration technology and techniques, and maintain our enviable leadership position.